

The Django package "thx-store" is designed to manage warehouse information within a web application. It provides models to represent the warehouses themselves, their addresses, warehouse-related issues, associated documents, and document numbers.


The "thx-store" package is a tool designed to simplify warehouse management within Django applications. Essentially, it allows users to track essential information about their warehouses in an organized and efficient manner.

One of the main components of the package is the Store model. This model represents the warehouses themselves and provides the ability to record crucial information such as the warehouse name, a unique code for identification, and a brief description. Additionally, users can indicate whether a particular warehouse is the default one within the system.

Another important aspect is the StoreAddress model. This model allows users to record warehouse addresses, enabling them to associate a specific physical location with each warehouse. This is particularly useful in contexts where there are multiple warehouses located in different geographical locations.

Furthermore, the package offers the ability to manage warehouse-related issues through the StoreCause model. This allows users to record information regarding the reasons that may affect warehouse operations, such as occupancy or goods movement causes. This helps to keep track of operations and better understand the workflow within the company.

Finally, the StoreDocument model allows for the management of documents associated with the warehouses, such as invoices or transport documents. This helps to efficiently organize and archive documentation related to warehouse operations.

Overall, the "thx-store" package provides users with a comprehensive tool for warehouse management, allowing them to track essential information and optimize logistics and inventory management operations.

Model structure

The "thx-store" package primarily consists of the following models:


  • Store: Represents a warehouse and contains information such as the code, name, and description.
  • StoreAddress: Manages the addresses associated with the warehouses.
  • StoreCause: Represents the causes and includes information such as the reason, category, and stock status.
  • StoreDocument: Manages the documents associated with the warehouses, such as transport documents or invoices.
  • StoreDocumentNumber: Manages the document numbers associated with the warehouse documents, keeping track of the number and date of the last usage.


Each model has its own attributes and specific functionalities to manage the data associated with the warehouses within a Django application.

Authors and contributors